Coach Profile – Mark Rossney

Coach Profile:
Mark Rossney, Team Director
(Level 3 Coach)

2023 is Mark’s 7th season with Downingtown. In addition to mountain biking, Mark enjoys softball and skiing, but his mind is often on a bike even when he is not riding one. Mark may also be found thinking about being on a bike while playing the bass, rooting for the Steelers or the Phillies, or enjoying time with his family.

"It never gets easier; you just go faster."  - Greg LeMond
"It never gets easier; you just go faster." - Greg LeMond

What is your role with the team?

As Team Director, I oversee all the off-the-bike tasks required to make the team run. That means coordinating with a small army of amazing parent volunteers who actually do all of that work. And I send lots of emails on TeamSnap.

Were you involved in mountain biking before getting involved with this team?

I didn't start mountain biking until I was out of college (because the wheel had only recently been invented!). I really got into it about 20 years ago with some co-workers who were avid mountain bikers. My son was getting into it when we came across a team practice at Marsh Creek. Seemed like something fun to do, so we both signed up.

What do you like most about mountain biking?

Hard to list one thing I like most. Freedom, the mental and physical challenge, enjoying our area's natural beauty, the MTB community, it's a sport our family can do together, I get the same rush I got as a kid riding around my neighborhood.

What do you like least about mountain biking?

Having to stop!

What do you enjoy about being a coach?

First and foremost, watching our students improve as riders and achieve their goals. It's endlessly rewarding. I also love the camaraderie at race weekends. Oh, and it gives me a sweet excuse to ride a couple of times a week!

How has mountain biking positively impacted your life?

I met some of my best friends through mountain biking. And I've never derived as much satisfaction from my own meager accomplishments on the bike as I have from watching our student-athletes improve.

Do you have a favorite memory of a past season?

No way I can list one. I get as much (or more) joy watching new riders finish their first race as I do from seeing a dominating race win. We've seen plenty of both on our team over the years.